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Fuck I'm broke and live in Philippines 🥲🥲🥲






Went to buy the game then it said card wasn't accepted but my card was still charged

It'll charge back. If it doesn't contact


how to buy a game if you live in Russia

I've heard people using prepaid cards, but I'm not sure. Itch staff will have a better answer than me.


is there anyway i can buy the game without using a creddit card or paypal? i live in europe so it gives me no other options

No other way, I'm sorry.

Shame steam pulled it but i bought it here cause i loved the demo

and when will the game be released on steam

It won't.

(1 edit)

i wanted to play it for free but sad :( Edit: not the demo one


Why did you expect the full game would be for free??


Come on, gang, think about it. We need to support the developer(s) however we can, especially with our wallets. If they just gave away free games all the time without making any cash, they'd have to find another job to make income somehow. It's kind of ridiculous of you to expect a full game to be free lol

went to go buy the game, card wasn't accepted, money got taken out of my account anyway, didn't get the game, is anybody else having this issue??

Contact me on Discord via DM.


Thank you, but I got the issue sorted now!:) great game by the way!

(1 edit)

Got banned for "Portrayin minors"

Where did the game on steam went?

Demo voice was better imo.

this is fucking amazing Nuteku


Where did the steam page go? I really want to buy it there.


steam banned it like a lame ass

Jun Kurosu here (the dude who's been timed out for an hour for talking about bombing an island) and I hope I'll have the game gifted to me someday!<3


I don't have the money to pay for it :(, I've already played the demo and it's one of the best visual novels I've ever played. When I have money I promise to buy it :)


This is the best birthday surprise ever, it’s hard to believe this game releases on my birthday! ! !

I really like your art style! ! !


Happy Birthday!!!

ma si come non posso comprarlo attraverso carta di credito o paypal puoi fare in modo di farti pagare attraverso steam



plz comming out more quicklyqwq,I‘m very looking  forward to it,love from China


Please try to sell it on gog or jast also. I'll buy it here when it releases but I wouldn't mind buying it a second time on a storefront that I have more faith in long-term.


lets go lets go!

when is the game coming out? I really enjoyed the demo.

(1 edit)

Last update said in an hour or two. That was posted at 4:22 am EST


Hello. I can help with Russian translation, there are a lot of mistakes (ik its AI) with gender when Robin refers to himself as "she/her" lmao. But Discord link is invalid for me. What's wrong with it?


im so excited for the game

im staying up till its released *groans in messed up sleep*


So real

its literally almost 6 am and i havent slept, my husband fell asleep *frog blinks*

I'm excited

i hope it comes out tonigh

updated 1 hr ago

are we back??


Love femboys, and crossdressers. I Especially love femboy crossdressers. ^_^


When this game coming out can't wait




They mentioned in Discord that they are finalizing the release on here, will be up in a few hours, so I am guessing tomorrow morning or afternoon.


So steam will pass a billion asset dump bullshit games, but one that is made with actual passion is a no go? Fuck that noise.

The amount of bullshit low effort AI hentai jigsaw puzzles and this gets rejected? 

It's Astonishing to me, I would've rather had it on steam but oh well. 


Omg I thought I was going crazy cuz it vanished on steam. That sucks, but Ill gladly support by buying it here


Honestly, im just happy its being released at all

Fuck steams jank ass review system


The game was rejected by Steam because Steam thought Robin was underaged. It's going to be released on Itch for 5$. Still though, what a shame. 


Wait, what happened? Steam rejected it and banned the game or what?

It was supposed to come out 2-1 days ago and nothing, today I went in to see if it was already available and it wasn't, nor did the demo page work.


they did. it instead will come out on itch tmmw.


So what's the future for the game and future updates?


The game is no longer appearing for me on Steam, will it still be released?? I really want to play

(1 edit) (+3)

Nuteku (the creator) Mentioned in a reply that it will launch here on either tonight or the morn. So don't worry you can still play to your hearts content :)

Where did they mention it? On Patreon?

Oh, nvm, they said so on DIscord. Poggers

will the game have mac support on or was that not a thing i know the demo has a mac support just want to make sure


And what will happen to the people who were given Steam keys now that the game will not be released on Steam?


They will recieve a copy of the game on for free

im not fully up to date but what happened? 

the game is not being released on steam anymore?


No, the game will be out on tonight or tomorrow.


We are unable to add this game on Steam in China, so I support you on IT. However, first of all, I am not gay, and secondly, we need more and more sex, please. Love comes from China qwq

Deleted 76 days ago
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