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i need somebody to buy me dis

Can I know how to join the Discord, because the link doesn’t work 😞


How do you unclock the femboy artifacts?

they are little stickers around the hous



Finished the game, and i loved it! it isn´t only a erotic game it has a really beautyfull story and i am absolutly amezed with the ending i loved that we aren´t just raping or fucking someone we are actually caring about the protagonist, more games like this.


(1 edit) (+5)

im STRAIGHT but 9/10.


10/10 Loved it


this game has me CRYING wtf 10/10


I want this game to have thai language because i really want to read the story of this game your game is very fun


Not bad 8/10

Deleted 110 days ago
Deleted 110 days ago

I've just finished this game and would like to know if there are plans to further expand the storyline and add more depth to it, because it's true that if you play deep into the storyline the game is interesting whereas if someone buys it and downloads it just for the “hot scenes” it's just a moment for them to click through a few scenes and stare at gay sex. So maybe it would be a good idea to allow the player to have more action with the main protagonist between plot threads about femboy love? I would also like to know if in the future there will be mainly technical changes such as adding voice to all the lines of the protagonist or adding more fluidity between scenes and those ordinary and those “hot” so that the gameplay represents more of animation than a slideshow However, and so the current state of the game is very satisfactory as a game nsfw is the right balance between normal events and femboy sex

Just bought the game, and downloaded it and extracted it. It wont play or open. What do I do. It's just a bunch of random files

Make sure you are downloading the files for your platform and extracting them correctly. For further support, join the Discord.

hey, how long is the game cause I dont wannna spend 5 dollars on something thats too short

then dont buy it :) The game was gonna cost a bit more If I recall on steam it took me a few hours to run through it but is replayable or if you're a horn dog you can just save before starting the end and bam instant fun

its great


could someone pls buy this for me

it's unlikely that someone will buy it for you): but you have a demo for testing

looks beautiful❤️. Is Polish language planned?


A do przytulania to jakikolwiek język jest potrzebny..? 🤔

Dla fabułki polski by się przydał... a wy niby dlaczego w to gracie jak nie dla fabuły? >~<

wait why isnt there a WIndows file?

There is

sorry, i had to do a double take the Python part through me off for Linex. love the game tho- quick question tho I finished the game got all the endings but there's 4 missing things in gallery- like there's a missing scenario ..i ran through most the obvious places- the gallery spot is right after the Shower set. any ideas you can give me?


Join the Discord, people are quite helpful with giving guides on gallery scenes.

Deleted 107 days ago

In the middle of the day go into the showers and theres a 50% chance robin will come in

Please release a spin off of Robin's favorite show, the one about the professor and his femboy student, will you ever do that?

is this on iOS? Because I downloaded the iOS link and it won’t open

No, that's the MacOS file.


I need a continuation of this

(1 edit)

I paid for the full version but my game just straight up wont open? any help on that. Only the Demo opens but i would like to play what i paid for you know.


The Android version will say "Demo". It's just a visual error though, if you let the game open up you will see its the full version.


I dont like how good this was


This game is amazing but it's just missing some things, it needs a bit more to it. im still giving it a 9/10 tho

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is so good that for a moment i forgot my real life.. damn i want to be with my own femboy now, gwess i gonna need to start a game dev career soon.

Fr i literally felt like it was me being with Robin i really hope Nuteku is gonna develop a second part with much much more thing to do i would pay for sure!

what is this bru


I might be misremembering but wasnt the original plan for this game that it was going to be free?


also, why did you remove the steam page for it?


No, that was never the original plan. The game was also banned by Steam before launch. They thought Robin looked too young.

Robins voice lines cut out mid game for me and now they wont come back

But if I go back to earlier voicelines they work is this intentional


"Full English voice-acting for the first three story events"


Guys, does spending 5 dollars on a game just to feel love and affection is worth it?


Love and affection from a femboy? Yes.. yes it is.


Vai ter legenda em português?


tem na configurações

(2 edits) (+9)

after fully playing for a full hour,spending $5, i realised how much i've fallen in these past months

i need any fucking partner. femboy, man,woman, it doesnt fucking matter who but i'm too weird to get close to anyone

my friends have left me long ago for that, and i doubt i'll find anyone

now i'm going to have to be beating my dick to porn to give the sensation that i have someone to hug, be close to, rely on, but i'll always be reminded

none of that will ever come true

also 8/10 only downside is that it's not animated


skill issue




Hi, I know this might sound cliché to you, but chasing love is rarely worth it. If you already realize you are unhappy, try to work on yourself bit by bit so that you are content on your own.

Pick up a hobby you´ve always wanted to, try sharing your interests with other people, no matter if online or not, work out or focus on improving your social skills or mental health, just try to make your life a bit fuller than it was yesterday. If you persevere and learn to love yourself, the love you seek now is going to come on its own eventually.

It´s rough out there, but know that I´m rooting for you :)

that's actually sad bro


I been where you are. Hang in there.

did it release full on android

Yes just buy it visa gift card

10 Rex Power Colts out of 10


Amazing story and an unforgettable experience. Highly recommended and my game of the year for 2024. I'd be very interested in a sequel or a spinoff set in this game's universe.

Is there a way that you can put it in steam? I cant really buy it in :(

Steam banned it supposedly for "underage" baiting, so that's a no can do buddy

I need it tbh


im missing those to

anyone know how to get the last three images in the gallery?

Go shower at night



I can't buy😭

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