My Femboy Roommate: Full Release on Patreon

The full version of My Femboy Roommate is now on Patreon!

For people who bought the game before it was on Patreon: All future versions will be on as well and you still have access to the game.

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I'm to broke to afford it😔😔😔😔


i played the full and it pretty rad, highly recommend

I was so happy thinking I would be able to play the full version but my money wasn't enough 😭


Great game, Robin is a beautiful femboy, I wish I could find one in real life.


When will the update come out here?


so far i seen the demo update only


It's not an update, its the same game on another platform.


please Add a update or DlC, I will give you my money.


and also i want to be unbanned from the discord server i got banned for no reason ,  or at least know why i was banned for 


Did you ever get unbanned, because I joined a couple hours ago and pretty much got banned almost immediately 


just curious Why were you banned 


and also i have permission to modify the game , like Modding it (like making some private private mods for it) ? i hope it's true since i technically i own my bought copy of the game and i can do whatever i want with it except to republish it wichout your consent right ?


will this game when it's finished be free or am I gonna be a broke boi and not pa


it is done and it’s $5

wont download nor let me play web browser ;-;

What should I do?




como hiciste?? A mi no me deja pagarlo ..

Debe de ser una tarjeta de crédito que te esté solicitando o paypal, yo no tuve problema al pagarlo con pesos mexicanos porque Itch se encargó de los impuestos y solo me cobró el juego